English Song from Non-English Speakers



Korea- Big Bang. *girls screaming* [I am actually writing something but..] *girls screaming [..you can’t read (hear) it..] *girls screaming* [since girls are screaming in the background] *girls screaming*

* girls screaming*

Philippines (well my country)- Neocolors. With soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many English songs we have, I decided to choose a band which is the less mainstream (You know, we have artist who are “slash” actors “slash” host “slash” whatever, but don’t get me wrong, their music is very good). Sorry for the lack of official music video though.

Nicely done. Too bad it’s just so sad.

Malaysia- Yuna. Maybe one of the most famous of this series, Yuna also dominated the U.S charts. I like her voice, not so loud, very relaxing indeed.


I’ll review some more countries and add them in a not so distant future.

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